Today, we’ve released details about the Upload Platform, a content management system that allows multiple users to upload radio programmes for broadcast.
The platform is built to allow stations to create schedules and allow users to provide programmes. The platform can be used for any type of radio station from student or community projects to full commercial enterprise where uploaders buy slots to be able to air their shows.
The system has full moderation capabilities to pre-vet material supplied, works with online payment systems like Stripe and can use commercial play-out systems like RCS Zetta. The platform can power entire radio stations or just certain day-parts. As well as creating a live radio station, material uploaded can be made available as catch-up content and can also be distributed to third party aggregators like Radioplayer and TuneIn.
The Platform can support any type of radio station – internet, analogue, DAB or DVB. It also has a metadata engine to power DLS, Radioplayer, mobile apps or websites.